Northbay, Isle of Barra, Scotland, United Kingdom

Northbay, Isle of Barra, Scotland, United Kingdom

Northbay, Isle of Barra, Scotland, United Kingdom

Barra is the most southerly of the inhabited islands in the Outer Hebrides, heralded for its serene beaches, stunning green hillsides, machair and moor. Like its neighboring islands of Uist, Lewis, and Skye, the Isle of Barra is pre-Norse and presents a remote, otherworldly quality. From its white-sand beaches on the north side to the rocky inlets on the southeast side, the Isle of Barra exudes a raw, untamed beauty. At just eight miles long and five miles wide, Barra is easy to explore, its Barra Head Lighthouse welcoming visitors since it began operating in 1833. Kisimul Castle, an impressive 11th- century fortress, sits on a small rocky island in Castlebay Harbor. Barra is a coveted destination for outdoor enthusiasts, offering snorkeling, kayaking, paddleboarding, and beach-going opportunities. The highest point on the island, Heaval, provides a particularly distinct vantage point, boasting views of the coastline, perfect for hikers and birdwatchers.


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